Rosemary DeTrolio RMT

Letting a bad memories go doesn’t minimize your legitimate right to your pain and suffering. It doesn’t cast blame on you for feeling anger or remorse, but it will free you.
Let’s say a person has experienced a cheating spouse. This is a painful and hurtful experience. Trust was broken and may not be repairable. If you continue to hold this pain, it will experience and color future connections, blocking your ability to trust. This lack of trust will not only affect future relationships, but all future relationships where you hold back trust in order to protect yourself.
We learn from each other from both positive and negative experiences.Extend trust slowly until you can be completely open. Trust your own inner guidance and signs you are getting. Don’t ignore those red flags either. Remember, if a race car driver ignored the flags, he’d crash, too.

I’m sure all of us have pondered the mystery of why we would choose arduous people instead the ones that would be better for us. If you’re hungry, you might buy junk food instead of a salad. If you are hungry for love, you won’t be discerning. You must be fully aware and evolved to choose the perfect bond for you, but we are all lacking in different ways.
Consider that every soul is a teacher to the other, connected by a soul bond. If you have not healed the wounds from childhood or past relationships, you will often repeat the same pattern. For example, if you had an absent father, you might chose an emotionally absent spouse. If you had an over-controlling parent, you might be drawn to a domineering spouse, or one who is the complete opposite. In either case, your past is determining your future choices.
If a perfect partner arrived, he or she would be met with unwarranted suspicion if you haven’t healed from the past.
Heal the old wound to be ready to accept new love into your life and to become whole. Jumping into a new relationship before you are ready is a recipe for disaster. No one wants a lousy recipe, but it was on the menu, you were hungry and you chose it.