Rosemary DeTrolio RMT
New Jersey
Hands of Light by Rosemary LLC

As we leave 2024 in the dust, let's not forget to keep the joyful moments and leave the rest behind.
Sure, it would be great to say I'm going to get my 30 year old body back, but why beat myself up? Instead, I'll continue to work on steps for good health, serenity of mind, and self-care.
I resolve not to make a temporary resolution.
Instead, I choose to continue to be mindful of my choices on a daily basis.
I resolve to continue to learn from mistakes, learn a new skill, and continue to guide and help people through Reiki, angel readings, transformational talk sessions, workshops, and books.
I resolve to remain optimistic. And when I'm not, I know I've neglected myself and will make steps to realign myself quickly.
As 2025 begins, I will continue not to focus on fear-based news, or indulge in panic or distress.
Yes, we will see changes ahead. Let the next chapter be one we will learn positive skills.
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