Rosemary DeTrolio Reiki Master Teacher

Our wishes, prayers, and intentions are set in fertile soil waiting to sprout roots. You never know what will bloom when you plant that seed. Good deeds are seeds that lie in waiting. Some will emerge quickly, spouting a bouquet of flowers, while others take more time to manifest.
Soon, a green bud of hope will burst forth in someone from a long-forgotten seed.
Simple acts can blossom into a bouquet. A smile can make someone’s day and a word of encouragement can change the course of someone’s life.
We are all gardeners. Some people plant crab grass, others plant hope and love. What will you plant in your garden?
Hands of Light by Rosemary LLC
New Jersey
Rosemary never ceases to inspire and amaze us with her words of wisdom! Thank you for always guiding us on our paths to be kind and peaceful souls!