Rosemary DeTrolio

What I thought I knew, I didn’t know at all
Unclutter your space to unclutter your mind. Delete old and stories from your memory bank and make room for new learning. Fear uses up brain space. Old grudges are psychic sludge to our systems.
If you buy something, let something go. Our houses need clearing and they need to breathe. I’ve held onto items long after I had a need for them. Why do we keep things that no longer serve us? My lacy black mini skirt was stored in the attic from my thirties. Did I expect a trip to the disco stuffed like a sausage into my leather and lace skirt?
I’m sentimental. Objects remind me of good times of days past, time with friends, and loved ones. That’s the reason for the box of old cards and photos. Recently, I found a set of six fruit-shaped erasers bought at the Bronx Zoo when I was eight-years-old! They had survived four moves and were useless as erasers, since they were dried out years ago, But still, there they were.
Clutter is an emotional block. Throwing them out meant throwing away a memory from childhood. But I grit my teeth and tossed them away. I almost retrieved them from the pail. Why hadn’t I used them? Were they too good for me to enjoy?
My grandmother had a treasure trove of special things too good to use. After she passed, we found new clothing, fancy tablecloths, and other treasures still in the packages. She put them aside thinking herself unworthy for such pretty things. Did I do the same?
SMy sister is a master interior designer and clutter buster. With her insistence, I purged closets and donating bags of clothing. I felt free. It feels good to see an organized closet that fits the newest version of me.Clearing clutter is better than a therapy session. purged closets and donating bags of clothing. I felt free. It feels good to see an organized closet that fits the newest version of me.Clearing clutter is better than a therapy session. .