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In the words of the angels

Rosemary DeTrolio RMT

I channeled this angel communication in 2000. Now is the time to share it. The information is relevant. At the end of the blog, see the in person workshop info and special deal.

Love your inner guru workshop

Soul in Balance

Align the planets, as balance of the chakras. When all are in balance, true energy flows through.  The body replicates the greater mass. It is the mirror image of creation, the seed of God.  The venue of the soul, the pieces of creation in all things.  The all, the creation is not just of man is present in living and non-living. All conscious and non-conscious are of the Creator.  Even the rock has conscious matter.  It appears solid and of no consequence, yet is bound energy.  What appears to be so, is not.  For the earth in itself is a riddle.  All answers are there, but not clearly seen.  The awakened, the truth seeker, finds wisdom where others just see a rock.  The formless has form, the invisible presents itself, the faith is the key, the belief and the trust unlocks many mysteries. 

Who is addressing me? What may I call you?  Artemis.

We have spoken before.  Thank you for your information.  Do you have more for me?

 The earth is in a state of flux, as is the human spirit.  All is a mirror of the other, so the uncertainty presides.  The uncertainty of the changes in earth, as well as the changes the soul makes.  Fear is not a helpmate; in fact, fear is the dark corner in the soul where the light gets pushed out. Fear is the stone to be cast out, the burden a human places upon its own soul, is the empty load of great weight.  The light in spirit is truly filled with light, hence, not weighted with fears that hold so many powerless.  The riddle is that fear is powerless, though appears to have such strength and power over each.  To be brave in spirit is to be able to walk the path of what is truly your own.  To speak the truth, at times when the truth will help, not hinder another.  The wisdom of honor, and courage is humanities greatest gift from God.  All guides and spirits of the light will seek to lead those closer to God, not away. Any spirit that attempts to manipulate, control by fear, or make one feel powerless is not of light.  Those who seek the loving guides and angels will surely know and feel the difference.

Angels do God's will but only for your highest good. Angels are not human, therefore their view is untethered to worry or distress. Each human has both angels and guides. The higher a human's vibration is, the higher the vibration of the guide who is there to help.

 Remember, guides will not interfere, as free will is paramount to our work with you.  We will assist, but will not tell you or another what to do. Our guidance is henceforth, only of your asking, your choosing.

 Spirits of darkness use fear, manipulation, and the human ego to convince humans of  his or her own supremacy.  This is the red flag.

This is what happened in the case of Hitler, who thought he was guided by unseen forces. And yes he was, forces of darkness.

Pray. Keep your thoughts toward love and all will be well.

Blessings and light.



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