by Rosemary DeTrolio
2020 Need I say more?
You’d have to live under a rock not to notice all the craziness in the world and how the most recent virus turned the world upside down.
It’s not your imagination. It’s the scales of justice, kindness, and compassion have tipped out of whack.
Choose cooperation, not competition.
Choose sharing, not hoarding.
For many years, one side of the scale has filled with distrust, and prejudices.
But don't see the whole group of people as ignorant racists when it may be a small bunch of gnomes doing damage. All lives matter. All lives need be respected.
But harmful people need repercussions, consequences, and loss of employment, most especially when they are in power over others.
Ignorance is a heavy burden weighing the soul.
An outcry rises up from its silence. “What about us? We matter too.”
You hear the voices of women, children, and the oppressed calling out in desperation, "See me, hear me. Treat me with love and respect."
The scales of justice want to be equal but struggle as each side tries to control the it. Erratic, it tries to find the fulcrum. The scale is about to topple over. Anger, rage feed fear which cannibalizes itself.
You can’t fight hate with hate. But you can bright light to a pitch black room with a single candle flame.
Each one of us has the responsibility to shine the light of reason and love.
Let’s throw out the word tolerance, and use acceptance instead.
Blessings and Light,
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