by Rosemary DeTrolio RMT

Did you know that the phrase, Have no fear shows up in the bible 365 times?
It's an important reminder to have faith every day of the year.
It's impossible to be fearless all the time. Some fears are necessary and protect from impulsive or dangerous acts. Don't jump the cliff. Don't bungee chord jump without your bungee. Get it?
Most of what we fear on a day-to-day basis never happens.
When fear takes over, life stalls, joy plummets, and you life nose dives into the dirt.
When in hell, keep walking...or at the very least, toast some marshmallows while you formulate a plan.
Faith can see us through many difficulties. It's better to keep faith in your pocket along with those marshmallows.
How can you get more faith? I'm glad you asked.
The first step is to pray and ask. It can be a simple phrases such as these:
"God give me strength and help me understand my next steps."
"Watch over me and my loved ones."
"Send angels to guide me."
The intent is the key.
Need inspiration? Watch my podcast, take a workshop, meditate, call a friend, read inspirational books, listen to music, paint, draw, hug a puppy, kiss your kids, and book a session with Rosemary.
Beautiful reminder Rosemary...much needed at this time...especially roasting the marshmallows...keep our humor. 😇🩷