Rosemary DeTrolio RMT

I was at the mall the other day. The salesperson at the kiosk was very insistent. She was the modern day carnival hawker. She called me over, shouting at me until she caught my eye.
To be polite, I walked over to see the nail product she was selling.
Big mistake.
I spent the next 20 minutes listening to the sales pitch as she doused my nails with the product she wanted me to buy, All the while, looking for a quick get away.
I did purchase the products. After all, I spend 20 minutes of my life listening to her sales pitch.
Did I need the product? Did I want it?
The same happened after getting hooked into a long drawn out sales video on FB.
I am a sucker for a good sales pitch, only if it suits my needs and helps me.
But I really dislike pushy sales people and I've learned some quick
getaways.I can now confidently walk away from people who want to or sell me the latest and greatest health product.
Maybe you're the same way.
Through childhood, we can collect belief systems and buy them hook, line, and sinker. We may believe them to be TRUE. Even though we don't want them or need them any longer.
We keep them, since we've had them for so long, it a shame to throw a perfectly good, but unaccommodating belief in the trash.
We may been sold the idea that we are not good enough.
Or that money is hard to come by.
Or that we will never be happy or loved.
We're too fat, too skinny, our nose is too big, our feet are ugly...and so forth.
It's not true, even though you bought it.
So, try out some new attitudes and beliefs.
I have a few self-study courses and I promise not to waste your time
or sell you something useless.
Look for my self-study courses/programs